In our previous blog post, we explored the very first verse of the sacred Vishnu Sahasranama and in the upcoming blogs, we aim to decode the entire structure of the Vishnu Sahasranama, including all the remaining verses.
But before delving into that, did you know that there’s a belief about the existence of a mantra, derived from the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, which, when repeated, is said to yield the same effect as reading the entire Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra?
The mantra goes:

श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥
Srī rāma rāma rāmēti ramē rāmē manōramē । Sahasranāma tat tulyaṁ rāmanāma varānanē ॥
Translated, it implies that just chanting the word “Ram” of Lord Shri Ram alone is potent enough to govern the entire universe. The act of chanting the name of Ram is deemed as powerful as reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama. Therefore, the spiritual benefits obtained from chanting the thousand names of Vishnu can also be attained by reciting this mantra.
So the conversation between Lord Shiva and Sati goes as follows:
पार्वत्युवाच: केनोपायेन लघुनां विषणोर्नामसहस्रकम् । पठ्यते पंण्डितैर्नित्यं श्रोतुमिच्छाम्यहं प्रभो ॥”
Parvati Devi asks Lord Shiva about an easy method to recite the 1000 names of Shri Vishnu, which scholars chant regularly. Her intention is to learn this practice from Him.

In response, Lord Shiva, revered as the Supreme Guru Sri Dakshinamurthy, doesn’t explicitly specify what the learned ones do. Instead, He shares His own practice. As the one who imparted enlightenment to seekers, He signifies that what He does aligns with what enlightened beings follow.
ईश्वर उवाच: श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे । सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥”
The response of Lord Shiva is in the form of:
Sri Rama Rama Rama iti– Sri Rama Rama Rama, saying the name Rama;
Rame Rame– I rejoice in Rama;
Manorame– O Manorama, the One Who is pleasing to the mind (referring to Parvati Devi);
Sahasranama tattulyam Ramanama– that name Rama is equal to 1000 names (of Sri Vishnu);
Vara Aanane– O One Who has a beautiful face! (O Parvati!)
Now, you might wonder why one should learn the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu if chanting Rama nama yields similar benefits. The Sahasranama comprises a thousand names of Sri Vishnu, and each name is believed to confer distinct blessings based on its meaning. Regularly chanting the Sahasranama is considered a path to enlightenment. while the chanting of Rama nama is potent and efficacious in bestowing spiritual blessings, learning the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu through the Vishnu Sahasranama offers a more comprehensive and detailed approach to spiritual development. It provides a therapeutic and meditative experience. It allows devotees to immerse themselves in the multifaceted attributes of the divine and seek specific blessings while fostering a profound spiritual connection with Lord Vishnu.
Embark on a profound spiritual journey and deepen your connection with the divine by exploring the Vishnu Sahasranama furthe with the Vishnu Sahasranama app.
Our app offers an insightful and accessible way to discover, learn and memorize the thousand names of Lord Vishnu, providing easy pronunciations and audio recitations for a comprehensive experience.
Download the Vishnu Sahasranama app today!!